Guess where I am ??! Go ahead take a guess !! Give up ?!! I am in the MAYAN RIVIERA !! And do you want to know why ?!! Because one of my clients and looooong time friends, Miss Dawn Marie, has an AMAZING, no scratch that, an UNBELIEVABLY FLIPPIN AMAZING mom.
This surprise started way back in May. Dawn and Billy had started planning their destination wedding in Tulum and had invited Darren and I to attend and also they had wanted to hire me as their wedding photographer. Now as much as I soooo wanted to attend their wedding and be apart of their day creating beautiful photographs in the Mayan Riviera, Darren and I were hoping to be pregnant by May or June and depending on how that went I didn’t actually know if I would be able to fly and shoot their wedding come late November.
Now here is where it gets good, real good. In the meantime, I was contacted by Dawn’s mom, the unbelievably awesome Lynne mentioned above, who had decided that for her wedding gift to Dawn and Billy that she wanted to secretly fly Darren and I down to have me shoot the wedding. By this time Darren and I had found out we were indeed having a baby and that the timing would probably be perfect as I would just be six plus months come late November. So Lynne and I tried to decide on a story to tell Dawn as to why I “couldn’t” shoot their wedding. We decided to say that I wouldn’t be able to make it as I would be too far along at that point to fly. Little white lie. Sorry Dawn!!! I felt like a horrible friend, but knew this surprise would be SO worth it. So Lynne and I planned and schemed away and to make a long story short Darren and I were flown to Mexico to surprise these two lovebirds with some amazing wedding photography for their special day. How amazing is that ?! Such an fantastic wedding gift.
So as you read this I am probably lounging poolside sipping a delicious virgin lime margarita while basking my big baby belly in the fabulous sunshine. Go ahead and hate, because when I left Victoria the weather forecast was calling for snow, so I feel bad for all of you, really I do 😉
I can’t tell you how excited I am to shoot this wedding and to share the gorgeous images I know we will create.
No post is complete without pictures, so here are just a few snaps from my latest lovebird session with Terrill and Dan. Enjoy!

by admin
🙂 Beautiful ring photos! Ugh, I want the 105mm macro ;D
In love with these gorgeous ring shots!