Since finishing up the wedding season craze this month hasn’t shown any sign of slowing down. Fall photo sessions are ramping up in time for Christmas gifts and sexy Allure sessions are well under way as Valentine’s presents for lucky loved ones. Amidst the hustle and bustle I have been craving an opportunity to get out and shoot just for fun. Just for me. This is something I used to do all the time. I would spend hours taking photos of nature or friends willing to model for me or even my cats. It didn’t matter. What mattered was that I was free to shoot as I pleased. I would stop and take my time. I would pre-visualize shots in my head that I wanted to achieve. This was an amazing exercise for me. These sessions have always helped me grow as an artist and helped further my creative vision.
I am SO fortunate that my business has continued to grow and I have become busier and busier doing what I love. However, as a result I have spent less time setting aside sessions just for fun and just for me. I think this has been a mistake and after todays amazing fun fashion session with my best friend Diane, I am sure of it. Today shooting without any pressure or expectations or even a plan, I was able to just shoot freely and really have fun. This is something I am promising myself I will continue to make time for. I think it is not only valuable for my business, but essential in pushing me to be a better photographer.
Diane thank you so much for such an amazing time today. I had a blast!
And seriously how beautiful is my friend, honestly ?!!

by admin
No way mom !! That is SO neat. I have to show you the pic I took of what I thought was his home. xo
Wow, what a interesting place!!! I can see how it would be a favorite place, so very cool. Amazing photos again Kim!
Oh my gosh – your third picture down is the carpet shop that our friend Mustafa guards at night as his job – for 200 turkish million a month! Unbeleiveable that you would choose that carpet shop to take a photo of!
Krista I thought of you and Ted while I was writing this! Knew you would like seeing images from one of your favourite places 🙂 xo Kim
*sigh* such wonderful memories I have of Goreme. Love these photos! 🙂