I had such a fun {love bird} session with Luke and Liz on Sunday. I used to work with Luke and it had been awhile since I had seen him, and boy do I miss his humour! We definitely spent a lot of our time laughing over references to nipples being able to cut glass (any Friends fans will know what I am talking about). It was FREEZING out. But despite the super gray clouds that followed us around, we managed to escape any rain or snow. Our first bit of good luck.
I am so fortunate to be a photographer in one of the most beautiful places on earth. Not 10 minutes from where we live (Luke, Liz and I are practically neighbours) we were able to take pictures at Hatley castle at Royal Roads (where X-Men was filmed) and a fabulous beach. Seriously, how lucky am I ??
Before our session was over we also had to sneak a few photos with the newest addition to their family, an incredibly adorable puppy named Juno. And we can’t forget Sam their other super cute ball of white fluff.

Glad you guys survived this shot 😉

How could you ever say no to that face ?!
by admin
Dying over here looking at that GORGEOUS puppy! Wowzers! I love all the leading lines in this shoot too 🙂
Great shots, but seriously… when is spring coming already?!
That puppy is the cutest thing EVER!!
omigosh i LOVE the puppy!! we have a golden and he used to look just like that!