WIN two tickets to Fashion with Passion !!!

I am excited to be GIVING AWAY TWO tickets to this amazing event for an incredible cause supporting Victoria Women in Need.

This GLAM event is TOMORROW Saturday, May 11th from 6:30pm – 12:00am and is being hosted at BMW Victoria. Tickets are valued at $80 each!

Delicious food will be provided by Food for Thought Catering, a fun silent auction, lots of giveaways and a FABULOUS fashion show.

TO ENTER … you must first “like” my Facebook Page, Kim Kalyn Photography. Then leave a comment below on my blog telling me a woman that inspires you. The winner will be announced later  TODAY on my Facebook page.


Heather SalkeldMay 12, 2013 - 11:02 am

I didn’t want to comment until after the contest because a)I wouldn’t have been able to use the tickets and b)my anser might seem like sucking up if I won! lol

Kim you are one of the most inspiring women I know 🙂 What you have done with your business (your passion!) since I first met you is incredibly inspiring! Add to that the work you’ve put into your homes, your garden/farm stand, taking care of your wonderful family, and being such a sweet and positive person all the time you are just flat out amazing 🙂 Happy Mothers Day!

JadeMay 10, 2013 - 4:57 pm

My mother inspires me! I didn’t appreciate it much growing up but now that I am older I can see how hard she worked as a single mom to give me and my brother everything we could ever want in life. She is the hardest working person that I know and is such a strong and beautiful woman inside and out!

Masika AllanMay 10, 2013 - 2:26 pm

A woman who inspires me is Ellen Degeneres, not only does she bring joy and laughter into the world, she also uses her fame and large audience base to bring attention to issues such as bullying and gay rights. She also constantly helps people in need. Thanks for the chance to win tickets, great contest!

Krista GarbuttMay 10, 2013 - 1:39 pm

A woman that inspires me is my friend and colleage Hilary. I met Hilary about 3 years ago and have been forunate to work with her at the hospital and become close friends with her outside of work. As a nurse, she is the most kind and hardworking care giver I have ever met. She always goes that extra mile to make sure that someone else’s loved one is truly being taken care of. She is the most loyal and trustworthy friend. She puts everyone’s before herself she has a quick and witty sense of humor. She is a loving wife who adores her husband but can easily remind him when and how to toe the line. And recently, I have had the honor of watching her transition into a nurturing and patient mother to a beautiful baby girl. I have seen a new strength and passion her that will be an incredible role model to her daughter. I only try in my profession and with my friends to mimick the kindness and compassion she shows, and I hope one day to be a mother like her.

Tara FurtadoMay 10, 2013 - 12:42 pm

The first woman that immediately comes to my mind is the mom! She is a walking miracle. She was diagnoses in 1986 with Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer. She was only 36, a devoted wife and mother to my sister and I. She beat cancer. Today she is 62 years old and at this very moment either riding her horse, gardening in her incredible veggie garden (which is fertilized by her horses manure lol!), or, running her family owned and operated retail store – The Tuscan Kitchen. Not only is she a picture of health, but she’s beautiful, physically strong, an outstanding chef, most trustworthy human being I know. She’s Gerri Schelini and proud to call my mom. She doesn’t have a massive wardrobe, but she has a superior one. A few Prada shoes – some fabulous Max Mara items as well. Her life is all about quality…not quantity. She hates Walmart. Loves The Red Barn. She despises artificial anything, and embraces all organic. I could go on an on! Even though we all say “I’ll never be like my mom” (Of course, this is what we say as teenagers), now, as a mother of three myself, I’m delighted when someone says, “you’re just like you’re mother!” Xoxo